Short Film Contest on Democracy and Human Rights
Short Film Contest on Democracy and Human Rights In a more interconnected world than ever before, challenges such as democracy, poverty, inequality, women's rights, ageing, modern [...]
YOUROPE Kick-Off Meeting in Brussels
YOUROPE Kick-Off Meeting in Brussels Why do our democratic systems struggle to connect with young voices? Despite having opinions on the issues that shape their lives, young people's voices go [...]
We got the HORIZON project!
We got the HORIZON project! Our project called YOUROPE aims to demonstrate the efficacy of the 'community-led research and action (CLRA)' methodology to foster democratic spaces and engender roadmaps to [...]
Regala Arte, Regala Solidaridad
Mercadillo artístico solidario
Presentación del Libro «23 Relatos sin fronteras»
23 relatos de diferentes autores con historias de refugiados contra la intolerancia y la injusticia.
Ganadores 1er Concurso Internacional de Fotografía sobre Derechos Humanos
Lista de los finalistas del Concurso.